Portrait by Shirley Bourne, Archibald finalist from 1955-57

Thank you for your support!

Thank you for your donation in support of the commission of a sculpture of LTCOL Vivian Bullwinkel in the grounds of the Australian War Memorial. This sculpture will be the first to commemorate the service of an individual woman or nurse in the Memorial’s grounds. It will commemorate all nurses and midwives and remind us of their contributions of selfless service to Australia whether in war or in peace.

The Bullwinkel Project will also help support the establishment of 21 new nursing scholarships in the names of Vivian’s Australian Nurse colleagues who did not survive the Bangka Island massacre in 1942. It is important to remember and learn the stories of these brave and courageous nurses who gave so much.

Creating scholarships in their names will help us remember their legacy through supporting the current generation of nurses in advancing their skills and careers. Your foresight in donating to the Bullwinkel Project is commendable.

With kind regards,

Laurie Staub
Director of Philanthropy
Australian College of Nursing (ACN) Foundation