Thank you for your support!


We are excited that you share with us, the importance of the development of research and policy development for nurses. As this program develops, we believe that exceptional nurses will be able to transform the health system.

21st Century nursing is the glue that holds a patient’s health care journey together. Across the entire patient experience, and wherever there is someone in need of care, nurses work tirelessly to identify and protect the needs of the individual.

Beyond the time-honoured reputation for compassion and dedication lies a highly specialized profession, which is constantly evolving to address the needs of society. From ensuring the most accurate diagnoses to the ongoing education of the public about critical health issues; nurses are indispensable in safeguarding public health.

Your generous donation will be used by the ACN Foundation to develop resources to support the awarding of grants to support the creation of grants to promote nursing research and policy development to produce greater outcomes for their patients.

Thank you.

Adjunct Professor Kylie Ward FACN
Chief Executive Officer
RN, MMgt, Dip App Sci (Nursing), Acute Care Cert, FACN, FCHSM, Wharton Fellow, MAICD