ACN Foundation in action


The ACN Foundation will be both administering existing scholarships and grants of the Australian College of Nursing and seeking new opportunities. The critical ingredient that we will be looking for in applicants is passion. Some opportunities are focussed on financial challenges, others are aimed at professional development but all benefactors that have provided funding are wanting to support enthusiasm as they are seeking to support people who want to make a difference.

Scholarships, grants and awards

ACN administers a number of scholarships and grants that have been provided to ACN by our generous benefactors, some of whom have nominated specific eligibility and selection criteria for their awards. The following page lists available and future scholarships and grants and provides information on when they are available.

Nursing study tours

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) is delighted to provide scholarships for four Fellows and Members to enhance their learning and professional skills by attending a Nursing Study Tour to South Africa from 21 June – 2 July 2020. Each scholarship is valued at $5,000 per person (note: does not include international flights and airport transfers). The scholarships are supported by the ACN Foundation, highlighting its dedication to investing in the future of the Australian nursing profession.

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Policy Fellows

The ACN Foundation Policy Fellows Academic Program (AFPAP) is the first nursing-specific health policy program to be offered in Australia. It demonstrates a commitment from the ACN Foundation to invest in the future of nursing and nursing leaders who will have the knowledge and skills to go on to positively influence health policy and Australia’s health care system. Under AFPAP Policy Fellows will be afforded the opportunity to receive health policy and advocacy education and mentoring including skills around researching, writing, presenting and producing documents such as policy statements, commentaries, issues papers, white papers and scoping reviews.

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